Greek-Crossroads: Road trips on Map

Map with suggested routes (road trips) in Greece.

1. Select a map marker to read more.

2. If you want to use your GPS please read “Ιnstructions for GPS devices” below.

3. If you want to plan your own route in Greece, please select this map.

Ιnstructions for GPS devices Close GPS instructions

1.Enable gps devise on your phone or tablet and wait to lock sattelites. Alternatively you can open an application like google maps, wait until your position is located and proceed to next step. You can now close google maps.

2.  Select the little icon on map top left. The map will be centered at your position. 3. If you have error (Geolocation error: Only secure origins...) click here and repeat second step.


1. Green markers (pins-destinations).. Click to open info window with links to the corresponding destination and to google map (for planning your route from your position).

2. Green round markers.. Click to view the hidden ovelapping green markers (pins-destinations).


Greek-Croosroads maps are based on Leaflet library Openstreet and ERSI databases. Select map type from the litle icon on the top right of map.

1. Open Steet. Coverage of roads 99% and populated places 100%. Many points of interest at max zoom.

2. Roads. Coverage of roads and populated places 100%. Smaller villages and minor roads appear at bigger zoom levels. This is the default map type of Greek Crossroads.

3. Satellite. View from satellite.

4. Topo Map. Coverage of roads 99% and populated places 100%. A lot of topographic information.